Saturday, January 16, 2010

They loved us!

Wait til you hear what we did today! We rested all morning and then we got in the nice-hauler-that-takes-us-places. We like to ride and jumped right in!

My brother Deyner makes a good head-rest.

Pretty soon we stopped and went into a building where there were lots of other greyhounds. It was a M&G! So, Deyner and I got busy meeting and greeting right away! It was a real tangle of leashes! I couldn't believe everyone came just to meet us :-)

Everyone was sooo nice, and we made lots of friends. They petted my head, and gave me treats! My brother Deyner and I had a blast!

This human really liked us - he was funny and very nice!

And then this human said he liked us a lot. He said very nice things about us, and was very kind. My brother and I posed for a picture with him, and then we had to leave. I hope we see him next week!!

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