Thursday, January 21, 2010

New blog

Kyvin and Deyner's blogs are now combined into one - see their new blog here: Kyvin and Deyner

Saturday, January 16, 2010

They loved us!

Wait til you hear what we did today! We rested all morning and then we got in the nice-hauler-that-takes-us-places. We like to ride and jumped right in!

My brother Deyner makes a good head-rest.

Pretty soon we stopped and went into a building where there were lots of other greyhounds. It was a M&G! So, Deyner and I got busy meeting and greeting right away! It was a real tangle of leashes! I couldn't believe everyone came just to meet us :-)

Everyone was sooo nice, and we made lots of friends. They petted my head, and gave me treats! My brother Deyner and I had a blast!

This human really liked us - he was funny and very nice!

And then this human said he liked us a lot. He said very nice things about us, and was very kind. My brother and I posed for a picture with him, and then we had to leave. I hope we see him next week!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sunny skies + warmer temperatures = NO COATS!!!

Everybody spent some glorious time outside today -
running, sniffing, and mingling.
It was so good to be outside!

Then we came in and rested. After all, we are greyhounds, and we need a lot of rest.

See my beautiful butt?

This is my brother Deyner and me, hanging out after our big day in the sun.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

We find a new friend

I like ducks. Come on out, little duckie! Ducks are fun. Ducks are soft and chewy. Ahhh, ducks are my friend.

I am sooo handsome!

And you can hardly see my rash anymore! Wait til I grow some hair on my butt - you ladies will swoon!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Deyner and Kyvin

Here are the two brothers together - they grew up together, and raced together, and were eventually adopted together.

Kyvin in the cold and snow

Kyvin has been such a greyt boy here! He and his brother Deyner have settled in really well. After a day at the clinic yesterday, today is their first day to really relax and enjoy the snow. Kyvin's eating well, sleeping fine, and has been spotted on the sofa more than once! His rash in improving and I can tell he feels better. What a sweet boy.